
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Legal Basis scout

Pancasila as the State Legal Foundation.

Falafah Pancasila as a basic value of the State is a spiritual religion, humanity, and unity of the nation that became the basic foundation of nation building both human resource development and physical development.Scouting as an educational movement in the path of non-formal education is an integral part of the education system in preparing the national cadres of the nation into a good quality of moral, mental, spiritual, intlelektuan, emotional, and physical and skills.Founding of the Scout Movement which was inaugurated on August 14, 1961 is the continuation of Indonesia's national scouting movement which aims to foster a generation of budding nation which can maintain the integrity, unity and integrity of the nation, responsible and able to fill the independence of Indonesia.Scouting is essentially a process of educational fun for young children, under the responsibility of the adults, which was held outside the school and family education, with the goal, basic principles and methods of education.Scouting is an educational movement for young people, which is voluntary, nonpolitical, open to all, regardless of origin, race, ethnicity and religion, which organizes scouting through a value system based on Satya and Darma Boy Scouts.

Basic Operation of the Scout Movement as Legal Foundation is governed by:

A. Law Number 12 Year 2010 Concerning the Scout MovementB. Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 238 of 1961 About the Scout MovementC. Presidential Decree No. 118 of 1961 Indonesia About awarding banner to the Scout Movement Education Pradja Young karanaD. Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2009 on Ratification of the Articles of Association of the Scout MovementE. National scouts Decision No. 203 of 2009 About the Bylaws of the Scout MovementLegal Basis of the Scout Movement is the foundation of motion of each activity in the running and management in the management of the Organization of the Scout Movement.


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